It's day three in our little WoW blog challenge and looking at the list it is a quite interesting topic indeed. So let's get straight onto it.

Day 03 – Your first day playing WoW

Hm.. My first day of WoW was pretty much me creating my Forsaken Mage and not understanding most of the things. My friend had showed me a couple of cinematics and as I was at the moment living in the middle of nowhere I thought "Why Not?" Especially since I had my friend to hold my hand in a way.

In any case, I create my mage and my friend then tells me different things, like this is this and that is that.. Eventually I go home after playing for some time, I think I was level 8 or so at that point. Just starting the questing and all. But at the moment I had chosen Horde as my faction and that was becuase my friend was Horde. In any case, I went home and created human Warrior.. And eventually found myself in Goldshire. 

My friend hadn't warned me about that place, as he thought I was going to simply play my Mage and be done with it. Well of course I had to go there by accident, questing and all. I was scarred for life and I still am not even thinking of creating an Alliance toon.. Particularly I loathe Paladins.. If you had seen what I saw at that day.. *Shudder*

But yeah. There you have my first day playing WoW. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new topic.

Also some other news is that Hour of Twilight Heroics are pathetically easy to heal. Cataclysm Heroics are almost impossible to heal on the other hand. How this works I have no idea. Must be the experience in play. I spammed those HoT Heroics to get shoulders among other things for my Death Knight and Well of Eternity to get that blasted trinket for my Warlock. 

In any case I have been quite busy lately and my own topics have been quite short. I apologize for that. In any case tomorrow is a new day and a new writing.