Now now - there has been a lot of QQ about LFR, how the tactics can be ignored, how it is way too easy to most, how people in PvP gear run it trough yadda yadda. In my opinion.. No you cannot ignore the tactics - Ever. Even when you run - I mean RUN - trough say Kara or MC, sure it's damn easy, you can solo it wasily with your lvl85 x class toon. 

I want to see you do that same with the raid lvl appropriate gear without tactics, just running it trough.. Alone. Indeed it's not going to happen. LFR I'd say is not too easy in any way, even when you know the tactics it is way too easy to have a wipe and such, which just makes it all the more fun, as long as people can discuss what went wrong, kick the AFKs (I mean those that are actually offline or haven't done nothing the whole time.) 

Then there's the matter of group. Gear IS important. You do PvE -> Have that PvE gear. Read some quick tactics. It doesn't take long to put say "Deathwing, LFR tactics DPS" And there you go. Do that before you queue or is it too hard? Or maybe you can't read... 

What I did, was I did that. And I had a guild mate on mumble that quickly before each thing told me super quickly what to do + ofcourse obey the Raid Leader.. Who in this case was this guildmate. Now, this wasn't hard in any way. The problems come when people ignore /ra. Or are too busy pushing buttons to actually pay attention what's going on. 

Then again.. If your DPS is lower than what the tanks push out.. If the DK tank heals more than the healer does.. In that case, I'd notify you, privately, nothing changes, I shall inform the others in /ra and they can decide what to do with you -> not nice.

I'll conclude this saying that knowing your tactics is important, and more rewarding than wiping after wiping after wiping..