Lately, I have read what must have been too many blog spots about stressing over raiding, and people saying that they do not look at party/raid/bg chat only because they fear that they will get slandered in some way. This clears up the confusion I have been feeling.. It is baffling when I say "hi" or similar in party chat only one answers. Even more baffling is the point of healers especially doing this, healers are valued, they are pretty much safe from slandering, tanks are the ones taking the slandering, among some very bad DPS's.

Now back to the point, many feel that they simply have to feel pressure about LFR - Don't get me wrong I do too - and the fear of slandering and such - which I do not, bartender = I can take anything - but in the end it is about your performance. Sure the tank is going to piss off if you don't heal - telling me that I am off range doesn't help me, putting come towards me etc. to the party chat on the other hand along with running towards me does help - and sure the tank is going to be a bit annoyed to you hunters when you ninja pull especially if they are new to tanking and because of that we all get wiped. The point here however is that slandering never helped anyone. Realizing the mistake does and telling about it in a civil way so that the other can ccorrect the mistake does help. 

Now to the point of anxiety over Dungeon/Raid Finder. Yes I have that as well, but only when there is someone I know. I do not know why, but for some reason, almost always when there is someone I know I turn into failure tank that needs to be held by hand the entire time, unless I have done the dungeon we are doing over 10 times. Funnily as a DPS on my Lock I have no such things.. On my DK which I do Tank and DPS this problem is more than severe. 

In the end it boils down to two things, my perfectionism and my simple loyalty to my guildmates and such. When I do less than perfect work, I simply freeze completely and start beating myself up about it very easily. With random groups I couldn't care less -> I Tank beautifully, with my guild mates or people I know with me, my confidense goes to all time low -> my tanking is at it's best average and I make easy mistakes. 

To many this wouldn't make any sense, since of course it is nice to have someone there as a support t you, evidently even more if it is a player that has been playing longer than you have. To me.. It creates stress, lately I have been getting finally and thankfully rid of it with simply doing a lot of random dungeons and stuff, just trying to memorize that great feeling - I even sometimes get said "nice tanking ^^"  which is just wonderful, not all of the things people say in chats are horrible you know? - and have succeeded in keeping my anxiety at bay. To those that LFR is an issue, it's mostly about confidence.. Great gear gets you more of that, look from the loot tables what is best for you, get JP gear to those things that actually are an upgrade from the dungeon stuff, enchant, gem and reforge until your gear is the best you can get, save that valor, then at that point, you are very well geared for LFR, you shouldn't have any problems as much as gear goes -> good time on your part - Confidence people is the key people.