Now this is something you just wish to know if you are going to DPS as a Death Knight, I learned this by asking, searching the internet from various various sources and calculating things as best as I could. 

Now few basic things before we start shall we - The Justice Point Vendor can be found in Orgrimmar from the "roof" of Garrosh's fortress (The big ass thing next to the auction house and the main gate you know?) and the honor vendor can be found right next to it - there's this uphill left from it, go up from there, there's a tunnel of sorts, with two guards standing outside of it -> go there.

Now straight to the business, and this is PvE DPS only, for DPS PvP I'll make a post later, now hoever we focus on PvE.

Right, at the moment you wish to have Melee Hit Chance of 8% or as close you can, this might (And usually does) change with every gear upgrade you do so using the reforger will be one of your favorite things to do in your free time. 

Your expertise on the other hand should read 26/26 and that's that.

About reforging now, after the above things have been done, reforge as follows: Crit/mastery -> Haste or if you can't; Crit -> Mastery. There is NEVER enough haste for you, and Mastery is a good stat at the moment. 

Next to Glyphing your precious Frost Death Knight;

For Prime you want to get the following; Glyph of Howling BlastGlyph of ObliterateGlyph of Frost Strike. For your Major your goal is the following:  Glyph of Anti-Magic ShellGlyph of Hungering ColdGlyph of Pestilence or  Glyph of Pillar of Frost. With the last two you can pick and choose what you wish really, it's a personal choice.. (As is the naming of links.. Honestly I am never ever doing it again) In any case, lets us continue. For your Minor you want:  Glyph of Blood Tap, Glyph of Path of Frost, Glyph of Death Coil - Also called Glyph of Death's Embrace. Now you might be wondering why you want these glyphs? After all that coding around, you will click the damned be named link and read what wowhead has to say about them.

Okay now Gemming is a bit of a tricky thing though, Do as follows;

For Yellow, use Fierce Ember Topaz, for meta use Reveberating Shadowspirit Diamond, for Red/Prismatic use Bold Inferno Ruby and last for Blue use Etched Demonseye. Now to the tricky part: If the socket bonus is 20+ Strenght you always gem for color, if it is not, you will always use Red gem meaning Bold Inferno Ruby - I can't underline this enough.

Now we go to enchanting, which is as follows.

For your headpiece you want Arcanum of the Dragonmaw (Have fun grinding rep for that in the Twilight Highlands). Shoulders go with Greater Inscription of Jagged Stone (Have fun grinding rep for Therazane in Deepholm.. You'll need exalted for this). Boots we go with Enchant Boots - Haste. Bracers go with Enchant Bracers - Major Strenght. Back/Cloak goes with Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike. For Chest you go with Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats (Sounds PvPish for me.. But that's just the thing you want though.. Peerless sounds fun doesn't it?) For Gloves you want Enhant Gloves - Mighty Strenght and finally for legs you go with Leatherworking: Dragonscale Leg Armor. (And no am not going to name link all of those enchants.. At least not now.. Maybe next year when they are useless, who knows.. Use wowhead like we all do, it is your God from now on.)

Now do you want to know how you spec for dual-wielding Frost DK? I thought you would, this is how your spec should look. And there we are, finally almost done.

Now you need your rotation and you are capable to give icy and disease ridden hell to the mobs and occasional idiots walking by PvP on.. 

Now Frost Dual Wielding Death Knight's rotation is as follows: 

Single target (Done in UNHOLY presence): Diseases up, Obliterate, Frost Strike, Howling Blast, Horn of Winter. Like with everything there is a trick in this as well, you can spam Obliterate and when you run out of runes, move to Frost Strike, the to Howling Blast. Those are your three main attacks really, there's not much into that in reality.

Multitarget (Done in FROST presence): Howling Blast, Death and Decay, Plague Strike, Frost Strike, Horn of Winter. And as with everything there is a trick -> After doing the above, just spam Howling Blast and you'll be fine. 

Now the class how to make a perfect dual-wielding frost DPS Death Knight is over a few things come to mind, like the fact how much coding can suck to the point how amazing Death Knights are. Enjoy!

Class dissmissed.