Today I decided to talk about the nice and not too nice act of ragequit. Many of us (If not all) who have ever played anything in their lives have ragequitted because of something or other. I am not someone to ragequit often, but it does happen. When I still played Quoke 4 and CS along with TF2 this was more common, yet even with SWtor and WoW this has happened. 

Now we get to the reasons of these things. Why does ragequit happen? Simple reason, something that should be very easy indeed, doesn't go right. Lets take an example from the LFR earlier, might have been yesterday (Still haven't logged in back to WoW because of this.) 

Now LFR Fall of Deathwing. I offtanked this and this shouldn't be even hard. Earlier I did The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple and everything went so smoothly that I wanted to sacrifice something for an ancient God or something to keep up the good luck (Should've done that if the next is example of what happens if you don't). Basically what happened with SoWT, 4 bosses, 25 people who all knew what to do, 50 minutes, no wipes and all just worked so beautifully.. It was a miracle. Never ever in my whole life have I seen 25 completely random people work so seemlessly together. Everyone followed raid leader, everything was just.. Beautiful, I shall cherish this memory for the end of time. 

In any case now lets continue to the failure in FoD. I was not kidding when I said it was a failure. We wiped in the deck of the ship.. Some nice 4 times or so. Us tanks both died to adds more than too many times to even think about. Healing succed. We had 2 healers that actually did their jobs. When your tank heals more than healers there's just something wrong. Ranged DPS's didn't do the drakes and oh my.. I don't even wish to talk about it, it was so horrid. In the end after kicking almost half of the group we finally got trough that. 

Now we get to fighting in the back of Deathwing. One hunter immediately latched into one tentacle.. Half the raid screaming at him not to kill it, that DO NOT KILL IT YOU IDIOT!!!! The Raid chat was full of this. A miracle we didnät wipe.. Both of us tanks once again died a few times because of idiocity of others. In any case, we did complete this. 

Now we get to the fight against Deathwing, you know the claws and jumping between spaces and such. We get to the point that maintank says; Do not start it yet. What happens.. Same idiot hunter from earlier starts the thing. We were meant to kick all afk's and buff ourselfs up and stuff.. (And let me tell you the buffs sucked. In full raid buff my health should be around 230k or so. 194k just doesn't cover this up. In a normal Cata HC I get 212k health easy, yet full raid 194k what is wrong in this? Especially when every class is present more than once?) In any case, we then started, and wiped of course because of this. Main tank simply said to wipe, I wasn't convinced I wanted out from this failure group.. In any event, we wiped. I wasn't rezzed, 2 healers weren't rezzed. I noticed this, while talking on the raidchat about the strategy and decided to do a corpserun.  Almost immediately after going to ghostly, someone wants to rezz me, I take the rezz start to get back to the group only to message appear: "You are not part of the raid group and will be.." blah blah. Why kick a tank that knows their stuff? Of course I ragequitted at that precise moment. There were plenty of other things wrong with this one group. The failures oh the failures.  

I have noticed that yes in a HC dungeon group a good healer or a good tank can save the day (At least when you are a blood DK and with full raid gear can solo pretty mcuh anything if you need to) so it's not a problem. With a ten man Raid group two good tanks or enough good DPS's or just one good healer can save the day. With 25 mans however.. This is impossible. with 3 good DPS's that outdps the tanks, 2 good tanks and 2 good healers you just cannot carry the group with this. Now, anyone else having a ragequit lately because of the LFR?