Good evening all of you who happen to read this text - and to you who don't happen to read it - today is time for day 6 in our quest for the challenge of 20 days of WoW blogging. And todays sybject is: 

Day 06 – Your workplace/desk (photo and/or description)

Well isn't this just a coincidence, we had in the guild forum a topic about these things and I'll include a picture when I get around to find my camera from somewhere in here. In any case, a description of my desk.

I have two actually, each two meters long and around half a meter wide, black wood with white metal legs. They stand in the farthest corner of my room covering most of two walls, making a corner unit of sorts. In the actual corner I have a very simplistic black lamp, other than that mu desk is decorated with school books, essay, reading material and two laptops along with the occasional calculator (I have several) and the empty battery can.

Pens and pencils along with notebooks of all sizes along with binders and leisure reading.. Well I have more than few stacks of those in here. Then random techonolgy like my phone, mouse and so forth can be usually seen along with my cigarets and more than few lighters on the way.

There you have the most boring description of a desk than a person can have, I am after all a student and so school takes up most of my thing. in any case, I'll write a new one tomorrow as is customary.