And here we are again. Ido know I am double posting but I am a) excited and b) you never know what might happen and I of course do not want to miss things. In any case let us go onwards with the challenge.

Day 04 – Your best WoW memory

So today would be memory day then. I would have to say my best memory is when we had random RP in Mulgore. It was very very very nice and we did it pretty much every evening with a small group. Just talked around the campfire and what not.

I remember once this very very new player came to our camp - it's questing area for Taurens so new players are common there - and there we went. We teased and didn't get it that he couldn't say anything and so forth until later. He only had the trial after all. Eventually we got it out from him that oooh! it's a trial account and all. We of course apologized and all, later gave him gold and coached him trough the rough spots.. But for a while (and I admit it straight) it was very very funny even though it shouldn't be. 

In any case, that was a crazy day in other ways as well.. We duelled and did some random things, but we had a lot of fun and I remember that day and the days in general spent in Mulgore with fondness I associate with very few things in my life.