Yes, thought I make an introduction post. I am a relatively new player, but being a perfectionist and an overachiever, learning the game hasn't been hard. But yes, lets go the actual topic, that being me. 

You can for now call me Ammy, as most of the people I know In-Game call me just that.

I play mostly as a Death Knight, doing PvE as a Tank and DPS, mostly tank though. That being said I do enjoy tanking. Now as my alts I have Destro Warlock, and Fire Mage, both doing PvE as well. Dungeons and old raid content is my specialty and I have favorites that I do every week or everyday. 

I also concentrate on daily quests in Molten Front, even though the gear that can be got from there is not an upgrade, there are some nice recepies there, and of course grinding guild rep has never been as easy. 

As other activities I do, I RP, and am with RP guild with my DK and Lock, so sometimes my writings may talk about that area as well.

Now to the me that is outside the screen; 20 yearls old, female and a bartender to a boot. I have also noticed that insomnia generally affects /played greatly ^^

In any case, there you have it.. Introduction.