Sadly if you have even one ounce of basic common sense.. This video above, makes complete sense.. - Remind me my good people for me to switch to a healer and just crap this baby steps blog - shall I explain it to you, verse by verse? Oh wanted or not, I will. I will just modify it to a little, to include 4.3. And that's all. 

So the regural Day of "tha Tank"

"Get in the Queue, wait two seconds" -> Indeed, this is the life of the tank, instance is an actual INSTANCE for us.. And healers. I rarely wait more than 3 seconds after gueueing, no matter what time it is.
"Wipe the group, QQ 'bout loot" -> Wiping is easier than many think possible these day.. In raid gear, we wiped on End Time, Trash mobs, LFD, love at it's best, thank you hunter for pulling the other group of trash as well... And the Chrono Boots that I have wanted for ages for transmog, still didn't drop... QQ
"Diss the Healer, /leave it" -> Yes, even I have done this.. Never said it to their face, but in my mind, screamed it on Skype... yes indeed.. Paladin Healer.. I have met one that could actually heal. /leave it comes with a brief ragequit when your group just sucks so bad you want to castrate yourself or carve out your eyes.. Or kill them or something.
"Wait 15 minutes, Repeat the first part" -> That 15 minutes is spend with ranting to all who are close (And not so close what a failure that group was.) Repeat the first part, meaning that you didn't wipe on the dungeon.. Actually completed it, got some nice Valor and JP's out of it for your efforts. 
"Go get some Gear, Join a Raidgroup" -> You spend those hard earned points, finally ding enough ilvl to get LFR.. Or something.
"BRB, Till I get kicked." I wasn't even brb'd.. Idiots thought that I was dead because no one rezz'd.. (Healers damn you!) And got kicked. 
"join another one, Pull some bosses" -> Should be obvious enough, it's our job people!
"lose the Aggro, That's called a wipe" -> Hunters and Mages taking our aggro nowadays.. And then we wipe.
"Run back in, grab the trash loot" -> because no one rezzed you you run back in.. You grab random loot on the way, which is PLATE and some damned be priest with lowes DPS on the group excepting the healer starts to whine...
"Get called a ninja, say fuck you too" -> See the above. At this point I am dangerously near of ragequit.
"Leave the raidgroup, spam the tradechat" -> Yes you leave the group eventually, you know, then you spam the trade to get all that shit sold. If for nothing else then for someone to DE them.
"Hate on Blizzard, Reroll a Pally" -> Oh yes.. After being in a failure group too many times to count, seemingly you the only one knowing anything and not getting any loot, nothing that you can even use drops.. Yes you hate Blizzard for giving us the LFR. I wouldn't go as far as to reroll a pally... My Death Knight kick's ass.

But yes you see my point now don't you?

And yes this was a rant. Deal with it!