We've all probably at some point felt some kind of pressure or stress when it comes to a game, Be it Tetris, WoW or something else. Most of the time it's the developing your character in MMO's that cause this stress, I am of course talking about those of us who spend x time a day playing and have maybe raided once or twice or at least tried every basic role a game can offer.

Now burnout can happen but mostly it happens to a certain group of people; those being raid leaders, officers and guild leaders sometimes loot masters, class masters or healing or DPS team leaders. But it usually never happens to the casual gamer, at least not because of the game. 

Your server doesn't matter, but if you are truly passionate of what it is that you do, be it raiding, PvP or RP sometimes achievement hunting or skill mastering, what ever it happens to be, a burnout can surely come to your direction.

At that point your options are quite limited in most cases, as usually your loyalty to either your leader or to your group has a nice private war with your exhaustion and general lack of motivation usually at that point. Those options are usually; 

1) Take a break from the game. If the game and playing it is a more of a job or a chore, then take a break, maybe try something new. You should say it fair and square to your leader or right hand or whoever happens to be closest, that you are taking a break, so that they know how to adjust. When you come back you might have lost your position and so on, but it is not wrong to take some time for yourself either.

2) Make up or join a new guild. If the stress or something else is caused by the people you should work with, then say it again fair and square but be nice about it. It's not your faulth you cannot work with them, and so it's best for all if you leave than you make 6 other people do so, just so you can stay. Friends in most MMO's are passing or selfserving and as such, should be taken into account only as far as they make the life of the whole guild easier. Now it's easier for you to find something new and the Leader to replace you than the 6 other people.

3) Give up the game entirerly. This is always an option and you could do this (Unless you took a yearly promotional in which case this might make you some problems, but in the end it should be easy to deal with). Now from here on you do what you will and if you ever get back, most certainly everyone else has moved on. 

Now how to make the decision? Do what is best for you and best for the guild but not with the cost of your own sleep or health in general.. Remember it is just a game in the end and while the people and their emotions - just as yours - are real, that doesn't mean that you should sacrifice anythig else for them or it if you don't feel capable of doing so.