And today is the seventh day in our little challenge.. I am enjoying this way too much for my own good.. It's really way too over board at times how much I can get attached to little things like this.. Must also be because I simply can't back down from a challenge. I'm one of those "Challenge Accepted" - people after all.

In any case, todays topic is.. *Drumming*

Day 07 – The reason behind your blog’s name

o_O Well isn't that something new.. Who makes up all these I could ask but as we all know who that someone is I am not going to bother. In any case, let us continue. 

The reason is simple in all honesty. I loved my Death Knight when I did this blog and thought that Death Knight would be the class for me. It's really not as Priest is really more my thing.. As are mages of all the classes out there. Rogue is fun as well. In any case, back to the name shall we? Death Knights deal with runemagic and so I thought it fitting, runes also are ancient and one of the first things that writing was commensed in ages past. So it fits on that regard as well.

In any case, there you have the reason behing the name.